Membership Subscriptions for Last Hope LARP

The membership fees listed below are for record keeping, management, communications, equipment upkeep, insurance, site maintenance, and outside larp services (Such as exp tracking, character updates, etc) and are NOT required to participate in Last Hope LARP but are required to participate in certain ways/in certain roles.
There are free or low cost options at all events; simply contact us at to learn more!

If you purchase a membership subscription and decide that you want a refund, simply email us at
The deadline for membership refunds is the current month's event date as we are updating our membership records after that.



  • No-cost membership.
  • No prepared NPC roles or PC preparation
  • No exp earned
  • Not eligible for the Event Prize giveaway
  • Great for budget-minded players, kids, and/or new people coming to check it out



  • No-cost membership.
  • Pre-packaged Food/Drink provided at “Monster Camp”
  • Added to Event Prize Giveaway
    • Must sign up by “Event Cut-off Date” to be eligible
  • +3 exp (may be added to the exp earned from any other membership)



  • $20 cost (Includes tax and all processing fees)
  • 1 Event NPC Role
    • Must sign up by “Event Cut-off Date” to have a detailed NPC role prepared
  • 4 exp
  • Added to Event Prize Giveaway
    • Must sign up by “Event Cut-off Date” to be eligible



  • $30 cost (Includes tax and all processing fees)
  • 1 Event PC Prep -OR- NPC role -OR- NPC/PC Split
    • Must sign up by “Event Cut-off Date” to have a detailed NPC role prepared or guaranteed PC bag/role prepped for event
  • 6 exp
  • 1 silver added to attending PC (If NPCing, then PC of choice)
  • Added to Event Prize Giveaway
    • Must sign up by “Event Cut-off Date” to be eligible
  • One Membership Perk (Choose ONE)
    • 1 PC Resource skill unlock (Starts the NEXT month for 2 months)
    • 1 Organization Exp
    • 1 silver



  • $50 cost (Includes tax and all processing fees)
  • 1 Event PC Prep -OR- NPC role -OR- NPC/PC Split
    • Must sign up by “Event Cut-off Date” to have a detailed NPC role prepared or guaranteed PC bag/role prepped for event
  • 8 exp
  • 2 silver added to attending PC(s) (If NPCing, then PC(s) of choice)
  • Added to Event Prize Giveaway
    • Must sign up by “Event Cut-off Date” to be eligible
  • Two Membership Perks (Choose TWO)
    • 1 PC Resource skill unlock (May be chosen two times for two different PCs; Starts NEXT month for 2 months)
    • 1 Organization Exp (May be chosen two times, for separate or the same Organization)
    • 1 silver (May be chosen two times)


***Resources Skill Reminder***
Unlocking a PC's resource skill will grant you access to use that skill for the FOLLOWING two months.
(Example: A January unlock for a PC lets you use up to 3 resource skills in February and March)

Click here to check the Active Resources Skill list!


Membership Selection

Membership Type
If Standard Membership, what choice would you like (and what PC does it apply to, if applicable)?
(Resource Unlock, Organization Exp, or Coin?)
*Please note which PC for Resources, Organization for Exp, or Coin in the field below.
If Premium Membership, what 2nd choice would you like (and what PC does it apply to, if applicable)?
(Resource Unlock, Organization Exp, or Coin?)
*Please note which PC for Resources, Organization for Exp, or Coin in the field below.



Don't forget to pre-register for this month's event once you have chosen/paid for your membership!
Both steps are required to fully register for an event.
To pre-register for the event, click here!


For full event info, visit the Upcoming Events section of the forums at...


Last Hope Larp © 2022 - Lupine Productions
All rights reserved.